Mom's Underwear and Her Friends

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Updated on
 January 2, 2025

You will encounter Incest, Mature, Fetish, and Anal in this novel.

Every adolescent eventually begins to take notice of his mother, her girlfriends, and older ladies. For me, this time occurred around the age of sixteen, when puberty's hormones started to show.

I started to pay close attention to my mother. She looked terrific for her age of 39. A taut, protruding ass, a flat, tidy tummy, and size 3 breasts. She always took great care of herself, going to the gym three times a week after work. My mother enjoyed swimming pools and cycling in addition to being physically healthy. We often spent time together after my parents' divorce three years ago. They had a generally positive relationship. Mom's three-room apartment was where we resided.

The summer was when it all began. I began my vacation after finishing my academics since I now had a lot of spare time. I got out of the blanket as soon as I woke up and proceeded to wash my face. My mom was still sleeping, wrapping up her vacation, and heading to work in two days. I walked into the kitchen, turned on the kettle, and began preparing my own breakfast after cleaning up. I went to my room, had a snack, switched on the television, and went to sleep. After about twenty minutes, my mother entered the room via the open door.

M: Greetings, son.

Me: Hello, mother.

M: How are you spending your day?

Me: I'm going to play soccer with the lads after lunch.

M: Would you want to accompany me on a bike ride?

Me: I am able to.

M: All right, then we'll go in 30 minutes.

She went to prepare herself. I walked out to the balcony and began rolling out the bikes in my t-shirt and thin shorts since it was hot outdoors. After twenty minutes, my mother was prepared. In addition to a white t-shirt, she was sporting white motorcycles. As she bent to put on her shoes, I saw that she was wearing a thong and that the shorts were quite tight around her ass. My cock became larger and protruded from my shorts.

We went outdoors and headed toward the park. I attempted to follow my mother the whole time so I could appreciate her ass. After two and a half hours, we arrived home. My mother passed me as I was carrying the bikes to the balcony and wished I could take a shower right now. As I waited for her to emerge, I was perplexed by how often messages were showing up on her phone. Prior to this, she was seldom contacted at work on the weekends, and much less so when she was on vacation. I became intrigued. My mom was writing to someone named Vladimir, and based on his messages, I could see that she wasn't really anxious to talk to him. I was shocked to see that the phone didn't have a password when I picked it up. He offered to take her to her favorite coffee shop, and the texts asked if they could get together for lunch or a stroll. She thought, "This is a man," and "I didn't know a man like that in her social circle." I immediately connected TG to my computer and placed my phone back where it belonged, deciding to examine their correspondence.

My mother stated she was off to class and would return in the evening after taking a shower. After getting ready and packing her suitcase, she departed.

I took a seat in front of the computer and started reading their letters. They had met at the gym around seven months before, according to the communications. He was 35 years old and employed by a construction company as a chief engineer. The connection was not very natural. The butt smack at the gym was the iso element that Mom failed to consider. Mom wrote to him to let him know that she no longer wanted to talk to him since this was unacceptable. I became interested in speaking with Zoya, one of her friends. Mom and Zoya, who was four years older than her, had been good friends for over twenty years. Zoya was a lovely lady. Together, they visited the gym. At forty-three, she was more attractive than my mother, with four plus-size breasts and a very full posterior. While perusing their communication, I stumbled across a photo that Zoya had sent to my mother. She was choosing her new shorts and tights. She was wearing really tight pantyhose and had her back to the mirror in the picture. She is wearing shorts in the next picture, which has the text, "I think I found what I was looking for, they fit so well." Her mother was happy with her decision. Mom's pictures from the lingerie shop came next. Mom asked Zoya what she thought after snapping a photo of the bra and thong. Zoya said that she had one and that the set was wonderful. The thongs are fantastic, the bra is comfy, and the pussy feels amazing wearing them. They also look fantastic on the ass. Mom said she would purchase it and thanked her. I saw so much that my cock was nearly overflowing. I closed the TG after checking the time and deciding it was time for me to prepare for soccer. Time went by so fast that I even neglected to shower. My mother was already home when I returned from the game. She was preparing supper. The robe Mom was wearing was just ten millimeters below her ass. She was dancing as music played. I went to my room after learning about the practice.

I made the decision to defuse the situation after seeing the photos they had shared. After getting some fresh underpants, I entered the bathtub. My gaze landed on the laundry basket as I stood under the shower. When I bent down and picked up my mom's bikini, top, and gym equipment, I saw her underwear. There was a tiny, flesh-colored thong in the basket. My penis stiffened. I could smell the aroma of her pussy as I took them. I began to jerk away after wrapping my cock around the thong. I cleaned myself and got out of the bathtub after cumming them in and reinstalling them. My mind was racing with ideas that it was improper as I lay on the bed. However, I was unable to control my ferocity and enthusiasm.

The days that followed were the same, but I became aware of a change in my mother's gaze.

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One day, she returned from her vacation. I was alone at home now. Typically, she didn't get home until 8:00. I recalled having access to my mother's TG when I was lounging on the internet and seeing various gaming websites and movies. Inside, there was a letter to Zoya at the top. Mom grumbled that she didn't know how to act after telling her about the discovery in the restroom. She was comforted by Zoya, who explained that it was typical for someone my age.

M: This is the first time it has ever occurred.

Z: It's natural for him to be growing up.

M: I'm at a loss for what to do.

Z: It'll be over.

M: He took so much cum in them that they were all coated in sperm.

Z: Hormones, the boy has growing up.

M: Definitely. However, it feels fantastic in a sense.

Z: Take it easy and act like it never happened.

I'll do it again since it felt nice. This idea inspired me to go through my mother's lingerie collection. I was astounded by the contents when I opened the drawer after entering her room. The vast majority of the panties, which came in a variety of colors and styles, were thongs. Some were very thin, athletic, lacy, and had a slit on the pussy. When I opened the box in the drawer's corner, I discovered anal plugs inside. The sizes varied. One pair had a vibro remote control among them. I was startled to see what was in the package.